About Kari


I am passionate about seeing people transformed and learning to love well.

The reason I’m so passionate about healing is that I had a painful
childhood. I am an adult child of an alcoholic and for years I suffered from shame, broken relationships, and intense emotional pain. I felt alone in my suffering.

I am a trauma-informed life coach, board-certified hypnotherapist, and somatic experiencing practitioner.

My journey of healing took me into the world of quantum physics and energy healing. I was introduced to quantum physics in 2006 when we hosted a conference called “Quantum Leap,” exploring the merging of science and theology. We invited a quantum physicist, David vanKoevering, to speak and it rocked my world!

I’ve been on a steep learning curve ever since.

“Trauma is not what happens to us, but what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness.”

~ Peter A. Levine


I was a pastor of a local church for approximately 20 years. I hosted numerous conferences, founded a regional training center, an accredited bible college, and a Reggio-inspired preschool.

In addition to being a licensed minister, I am board-certified in clinical hypnotherapy, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), EFT, and life coaching. I also received a certification in somatic experiencing.

You don’t have to navigate this journey alone. I will walk every step of the way with you, until you no longer need me.

I’d love to connect with you!

pink roses

“When we deny our storiesthey define us. When we own our storieswe get to write a brave new ending.”

Brené Brown


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