The Honeymoon Effect

Dr. Bruce Lipton, a cellular biologist, writes about the “Honeymoon Effect” and how it affects our health.

When we fall in love, our eyes twinkle. Our affection isn’t just limited to our partner; rather we are in love with life itself and it shows.

He urges us to rewrite our perceptions so we can create that head-over-heels in love state-of-mind again and again and again.

Lipton calls the quest to continuously feel “in love,” “the science of creating heaven on earth.” 💥

Science has spoken about such things, writes Lipton. For example, HeartMath researchers have found the impact of love itself is real and biochemically measurable.

According to Lipton, when subjects focus their attention on the heart and activate a core heart feeling, such as love, appreciation, or caring, these emotions immediately shift their heartbeat rhythms into a more coherent pattern. Increasing heartbeat coherence activates a cascade of neural and biochemical events that affect virtually every organ in the body.

Studies demonstrate that having heart coherence reduces the activity of the sympathetic nervous system—our fight-or-flight mechanism—while simultaneously increasing the healing activity of the parasympathetic nervous system. As a result, stress hormones are reduced and the anti-aging hormone DHEA is produced.

Love actually does make us healthier, happier, and causes us to live longer.

I have left “Christian City” and I am on a journey to find the Kingdom of Love, where I’ve heard that people fall in love over and over again with their beautiful King. He has become their “magnificent obsession.” Their eyes twinkle, they are love with life itself, and they experience “heaven on earth.”

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