
Instead of being present, it’s easy to become focused on the past or worry about the future.

I am setting my intention to become more fully present.

Mindfulness and meditation are ancient practices that modern neuroscience has shown actually change the brain. Research has shown that mindfulness can be a preventive tool against memory loss and dementia.

Here are some simple things I am practicing to become more mindful:

1. Focus on my breathing. I like to repeat, “Breathing in, I calm my body…..breathing out, I smile.” 😀

2. Mindful eating. No multi-tasking while eating. I eat slowly and focus on the color, taste, and smell of the food.

3. Walking Meditation. I am practicing being mindful as I walk. With each step, I walk with gratitude for my health and for the beauty of my surroundings.

4. Listening to guided meditations. There are some great apps (such as Calm) and youtube videos available.

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