Hacking our Nervous System

It is possible to consciously tap into the nervous system and change the way our body functions physiologically.

When we are under a lot of stress, it wreaks havoc on our nervous system. Once our nervous system is out of whack, it can cause many health issues.

The good news is that our bodies are designed to self-heal. We can reprogram our autonomic nervous system from a state of stress back into a state of balance and homeostasis.

It’s important that we understand the function of the vagus nerve as it is responsible for regulating the body’s stress response. The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body and acts as the body’s information superhighway.

The vagus nerve carries a vibration that is known as the vagal tone. A high vagal tone is the goal.

Research indicates that a high vagal tone enables our body to better regulate blood glucose levels, reducing the likelihood of developing diabetes, stroke, and cardiovascular disease. Low vagal tone, on the other hand, has been associated with chronic inflammation.

Our vagal tone can be raised through simple protocols, such as sound therapy, deep breathing, meditation, singing, chanting, humming, exercise, diet, laughter, massage, essential oils, spending time in nature, sunshine, etc.

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