Circles Of Seven Facilitator Training


Shame cannot survive when we tell our stories in safe places and we are met with empathy.

The world is hurting and we need empathetic healers who practice deep listening.


This Training Is For You If…

  • You are desiring to lead Circles of Seven online or in-person.
  • You have a passion to see people come into wholeness.
  • You would like to learn a seven-step process that will help identify and transform core wounds and core beliefs quickly.
  • You would like to become a more compassionate listener.
  • You would like ongoing support as you lead online or in-person groups.

Our Process

You will be trained in the “seven steps” model that will help you both identify and transform core wounds and core beliefs very quickly.

You will also learn compassionate listening tools. People start to heal the moment they feel seen and heard.

Once you have been through the training, you can lead your own Circles of Seven.

You will be provided the Circles of Seven logo and promotional materials, and ongoing support as you facilitate Circles of Seven online or in-person.

Training is conducted live via zoom for seven weeks and is a two-hour commitment per week.

$777.00 Training Investment

If interested, please contact us.