All Flame: The Call to Mature in Love

Mystics throughout history have spoken of God as the living flame that resides within each of us—a spark of divine presence waiting to be kindled into a blazing fire. This image of God as fire isn’t just poetic; it’s deeply transformative. It calls us to ignite our lives with love so consuming, so pure, that it burns away anything that keeps us from being fully alive, fully present, and fully connected.

One of my favorite stories from the early Desert Fathers beautifully illustrates this idea.

Abba Lot, a monk seeking spiritual growth, once approached his elder, Abba Joseph, with a heartfelt confession:

“Abba, as far as I can, I say my little office. I fast a little. I pray. I meditate. I live in peace. And as far as I can, I purify my thoughts. What else can I do?”

Abba Joseph listened, then stood up, stretched his hands toward heaven, and something miraculous happened. His fingers became like ten lamps of fire, glowing with divine energy. And he said:

“If you are willing, you can become all flame.”

Abba Joseph wasn’t calling for Lot to simply do more—he was inviting him into a complete transformation, to become fully consumed by Divine Love.

The Flame of Love

I believe the flame Abba Joseph spoke of is Divine Love. It’s the love that heals, the love that creates, and the love that endures. It’s the love that burns like a mighty flame, as described in Song of Songs 8:6:

“Love burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.”

What if we became the flame?

To become all flame isn’t about perfection or overburdening ourselves with endless spiritual tasks. It’s about setting our hearts on fire with intention. Here’s how:

  1. Set Your Intention to Mature in Love: Spiritual growth isn’t a one-time decision; it’s a daily practice. Make love your compass. How can you love more fully today?
  2. Let the Flame Purify: Fire refines by burning away impurities. Similarly, Divine Love invites us to release fear, resentment, and anything that dims our inner light.
  3. Be Willing to Blaze: Abba Joseph’s words are clear: If you are willing, you can become all flame. Willingness is key. Are you ready to let Divine Love transform you in ways you can’t yet imagine?
  4. Shine Without Fear: A flame radiates. When we embody Divine Love, we naturally become a beacon, lighting the way for others.

Why Not Become All Flame?

You were made to burn brightly. You were made to become all flame.

So, let’s not hold back. Set your intention to mature in love.

After all, as the mystics remind us, the fire is already there. It’s waiting for you to say yes.

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